One of our newest ministries, Embrace Grace, offers a biblical support group to help women through their unplanned pregnancies. Recent participants each wrote letters to express the impact of this ministry on their lives. Here is an example:
“Embrace Grace has changed my life…I was in a dark place and lost. I’ve always known God, but I left His side. I needed Him, but I couldn’t get myself to call unto Him…I had given up, and I wasn’t sure how I was going to have my baby or how I was going to care for her. I was scared and depressed. My relationship was broken with my Mom. Embrace Grace brought me back to him and restored my faith and trust in Him. I have been blessed from you all. My baby has a nice start. I do as well. My relationship is better with my Mom and with God. Thank you.”
DaySpring is involved weekly on the margins of our culture, and this is one of the ways we are “in the fight.” Thank you to the DaySpring women who had the vision to spearhead this new pro-life outreach and for many of you who provided gifts for the recent Embrace Grace baby shower. Looking forward to the next round of ladies that we can love on and support!

Live in Love!

Gospel Trunk or Treat is coming Saturday, October 28, 6-8 p.m.
This is an outreach to our community; we need all hands on deck! Drop by the information table on Sunday and find a place to serve: decorate your trunk to feature a specific Bible story or help with the grill station, parking & crowd control, greeting, bounce house, or registration and drawings. And don’t forget to invite your friends & neighbors!