A few years ago, we had a discipleship group that met at McDonald’s. We were looking over Isaiah 5 and noticed a word that literally from the Hebrew translates “stink berries.”
Here is the context: in the passage, God plants a vineyard and provides the perfect environment for grapes. Instead, up come these “stink berries.” And here comes the judgment. God is ticked.
We discussed how God plants for grapes, provides the perfect environment, and up comes something else entirely. How does that happen? So, we asked each other some questions:
- How do we produce fruitfulness in our contexts?
- What does a “stink berry” look like today?
- Who is a “stink berry” we need to reach out to today?
Then someone said, “Wait a minute. This entire passage looks way different if you think, ‘Hey, I’m the stink berry.'”
And Jesus came and hung on a Roman cross for stink berries. Like us.
Live in Love!
A few notes and reminders…
Nursing home ministry this Saturday, October 14, 2 p.m. at Clinton Healthcare. Come share the light and love of Jesus–you’ll be blessed!
Gospel Trunk or Treat: We’ll be handing out specific candies for each Bible story station. That candy has already been purchased, but we also need large bags of assorted candy to add to the treat bags as the children exit. There will be a collection table in the foyer for candy donations. All candy needs to be at the church by Sunday, Oct. 22. Also–please help get the word out about this event. Invite friends, neighbors, and coworkers! If you’re on social media, share the DaySpring posts and invitations for this event. Thanks for your help!
DaySpring’s American Heritage Girls troop is collecting items for a fundraiser—new or gently used clothing and textiles. See the flyer on the foyer table for details. Donations may be placed in the blue collection bin in the church parking lot.
Wednesday nights at DaySpring: Join us at 6:30 for
- DaySpring University–The Historic Reliability of the Gospels with Dr. Murray Vasser
- Youth group–·Navigating Our Culture with Biblical Truth
- Children’s Christmas musical practice–A Stellar Christmas!
Ongoing Opportunities for Spiritual Growth:
- Bible Study class led by Bill Durr—Sunday, 9 a.m., youth room
- Class for youth and children led by Ivy Kelly–Sunday, 9 a.m., preschool room
- Pre-service prayer—Sundays, 9:30-9:45 a.m.
- DaySpring fast days—Wednesdays and Fridays