January 19 is “Good Memory Day,”  encouraging people to make good memories and then think back on them regularly. From the Good Memory webpage:

Good Memory Day is observed on January 19 every year, to cherish good moments from our past and present while making new ones for the future. On this holiday, we love to scroll through old photo albums and share a good laugh over a funny memory. As the name suggests, this day is also the perfect occasion to test how good your memory is. Come up with a memory game based on major childhood events and have a memorable day. Plan a fun day out with your family, or make that pending call to your best friend today

“Remembering” is a key biblical concept. The Old Testament festivals were instituted to remind the Israelites who God is, what He had done, and who they were as His people. We take Communion in remembrance of Christ’s work for us on the cross. Scripture provides a written record of God’s faithfulness through generations.

We each have a personal history of God’s faithfulness, as well. James reminds us that every good and perfect gift comes from our heavenly Father. As we reflect back over our lives, we can see His hand at work–redeeming, restoring, providing.

So – good memories today…and forever.
Live in love!
