We are about to wrap up our latest 21 Days of Prayer emphasis at DaySpring. These have been good days. Heartfelt prayer. Faithful people crying out to God.
But now.
Now…we need for individuals and families to pray together in their homes like never before. Corporate prayer is only as strong as individuals and families who regularly open their Bibles and converse with God as if it really mattered.
So…how is your prayer life day-to-day? Substantial? Or anemic?
God wants to meet with us daily. He loves us and misses us when we decide there are other, more important, priorities. But a church that has vibrant prayer. house-to-house?
What a powerful local church that is.
Live in love!
Wednesday nights at DaySpring:
- DaySpring University–Isaiah, the Servant of the Lord with Dr. John Oswalt
- Youth group–·Navigating Our Culture with Biblical Truth
- Children’s ministry–Bible Quizzing: Matthew
Ongoing Opportunities for Spiritual Growth:
- Bible Study class led by Bill Durr—Sunday, 9 a.m., youth room
- Class for youth and children led by Ivy Kelly–Sunday, 9 a.m., preschool room
- Pre-service prayer—Sunday, 9:30-9:45 a.m.
- DaySpring fast days—Wednesdays and Fridays