This Sunday, we are starting a new sermon series on “Questions!” What are the questions that you would like to have answered concerning faith?
I went to ChatGPT and typed in “Dumb questions local churches ask.” These are some that the AI tool pumped out:
“Do we really need more than one type of casserole at the potluck?”
Because variety in casseroles can be a serious church debate.
“Who hid the coffee maker?”
The real mystery of church life.
“Is our pew padding biblical?”
When comfort becomes a spiritual concern.
“Can we count the attendance of the church mice for our official numbers?”
Because every little bit helps.
“Is it okay if the church bulletin has more typos than prayers?”
Proofreading, the unsung hero of church admin.
“Does the sanctuary need to be cold enough to preserve ice cream, or is that just a tradition?”
The age-old temperature debate.
“Should we put a GPS tracker on the hymnals so we can find the ones that disappear?”
When hymnals go missing, drastic measures are necessary.
“Do we need a designated person to shush the loud ‘Amen-ers’?”
Some enthusiastic responses might require moderation.
“Is it a sin to fast-forward through the announcements?”
Some parts of the service seem just a little too long..
A local church should be a “good asker of important questions.” And you have asked some good ones. Are there more? Use the blue cards on Sunday morning to send them my way.
Live in love!