Through Nazarene Child Sponsorship, DaySpring supports nine needy children in other countries. I am reminded of a lady who once remarked, “Everyone says that they love poor people; tell me the names of the poor people you love.” Well, here are the names of “our kids.” Keep them in your prayers!
Vanilli (9) Madagascar
Prem (7) India
Nazar (14) Ukraine
Ashly (9) Dominican Republic
Bonani (9) Botswana
Ana (14) Peru
Shuvo (11) Bangladesh
Chrislande (12) Haiti
Michael (11) Philippines

There are also some immediate needs closer to home. Carlesha, Curtrell, and Cambria Jones have been active in our church for the last five years or so. They participate in our children’s and youth ministries and volunteer in the nursery, preschool class, children’s church, and helping to livestream Sunday services. This week their apartment burned down. We are so thankful they escaped unharmed, but they lost everything in their home. They and their mother are in need of clothing and other necessities.

One of the most effective ways to help right now is by providing gift cards (to Walmart, Kroger, or anywhere they might buy basic clothing items and food). This will enable them to purchase essential items as they get back on their feet. We invite anyone who would like to participate to bring gift cards this Sunday and give them to Jody or Dennis Miller. The Millers will make sure your contributions are given directly to the Jones family.

Live in Love!