Ruth 2 The Frederick Douglas Effect (Ruth 2) A review of the story: Naomi was from Bethlehem-about 1,000 years before the birth of Jesus. Naomi...
Ruth 1 The Line That Leads to…Jesus: Ruth 1 “Advent” – from the Latin adventus, meaning “coming” or...
How can I know God’s will? How can I know God’s will? Ways NOT to know: Open door + good feelings = recipe for possible disaster Good (even ecstatic) feelings...
Questions?? This Sunday, we are starting a new sermon series on “Questions!” What are the questions that you would like to have answered concerning...
Shrinking the Crowds, Jesus Style Shrinking the Crowds, Jesus Style: John 6:1-21 I have taught Evangelism and Church Growth for decades. Let’s do whatever it takes to...
Gentleness & Self-Control Fruit of the Spirit: Gentleness, Self-Control James Pleudeman at NEGST. Gentle, but when interrupted, controlled. Lessons from Bible:...
Fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness Fruit of the Spirit – Faithfulness In a description of a faithful person – who comes to mind? Got a picture of them in your...
Kindness Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness, Goodness Opening illus.: Don Duncan, Lisa Buell. Kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous, and...
You are the fruit of the world! You are the fruit of the world! Galatians 5:22-23 / Love I love fruit. Apple orchard. Fruit plate for birthday meal growing up. Figured out...